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While each client is approached individually, Equip has found that by adhering to the following process, both Equip and the client will have the most positive, beneficial experience working together.

equip's process

The goal of the Discovery process is to learn the organization’s timelines, budgets, expectations, situation, current marketing activities, marketing objectives and any other relevant information. 

Upon completion of the Discovery Process, Equip will commence in primary and secondary market research.  This research will ensure that all marketing activities are not “shots in the dark,” but are educated, validated and purposed actions that lead to results. 

Strategy Development
All the Research and Discovery in the world is worthless without results-focused, actionable strategy.  This is specifically where Equip Research and Consulting separates itself from other marketing consultants: Equip’s goal is to not just conduct research and provide a report, but to provide hands-on assistance in implementing sound strategic plans that will positively impact the bottom line in a meaningful way.

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